Friday, September 21, 2012

Re-Opened for Business

Something like this...
Hello there, all.

It's been over a full year since I last posted. I'm not sure what the protocol is for a proper resurrection, so I'm just going to skip past that.

I started this blog a year ago to explore how society and language (sort of) has changed with the shift from a primarily oral culture to primarily literate culture to a now digital community. The assignment was for a Literary Criticism class for the University of North Alabama. I relied heavily on Orality and Literacy by Walter Ong, as well as my own random findings and insights from the interwebs.

I'm starting this blog back up for a couple of reasons: 1. I need to do more work on it to receive full credit for the course (from a year ago--yeah, I know) and 2. I've started to take a strong interest in linguistic studies and feel that this might be a good practice to help me research and follow thought traces running through the literary communities.

For the assignment's purposes, and per the instructor's request, I will be responding to numerous articles in the New York Times written by Stanley Fish over the past year. Fish is a loud voice in the humanities and literary criticism world. He developed the idea of interpretive communities, which I will also be exploring in the re-opening of this blog.

I hope to make this interesting and insightful for you, dear reader, and I welcome all comments, shares, and collaborations.

See you next post.

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