Thursday, May 5, 2011

Digital Classroom

Check out this article from The Chronicle of High Education.

There's definitely some more digital humanity business going on. I feel like this wouldn't be as applicable toward the idea that the D.H. can recapture the oral culture. I actually think this particular instance is working against it. While college classroom lectures aren't exactly what Ong had in mind when he discussed primary orality, they are still a form of primarily oral communication with the opportunity for discourse.

I don't necessarily agree with the fact that traditional classrooms are on the way out. I can see how they would be diminishing, but it seems as if there will always be enough students who either want or have to come to class. Personally, I have a hard time taking internet classes. There are too many distractions and the disease of procrastination sets in strong. I'm much better in a classroom setting, even if I don't want to show up all the time.

Even so, it's another picture of what the D.H. can do. In speaking of, I got REALLY excited about this:
Berkeley Podcast. It's every lecture of certain classes offered at Berkeley! Pretty sweet little set up here. While I think that this might make students in the classroom feel less inclined to go to class, it is a really cool thing for everyone else who can't afford Berkeley but want to explore different educational settings and experience that kind of class. Why, yes. I am a nerd.

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